"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."

Albert Camus

Book therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder with us

Prioritize your Seasonal Affective Disorder self-care with Canada Online Therapy

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Therapy for SAD

SAD winter depression


Seasonal depression disorder


Seasonal mood disorder


SAD seasonal depression


Seasonal disorder


Winter blues


Seasonal depression symptoms


Winter depression


SAD symptoms

SAD seasonal affective disorder


SAD seasonal affective disorder



What is SAD seasonal affective disorder ?

Seasonal affective disorder, winter-type (SAD; fall-winter depression), is a form of mood disorder that recurs at the same time of the year and is frequently associated with symptoms such as loss of drive and energy, prolonged sleep, increased food intake, cravings for carbohy drates and weight gain. Depressive symptoms appear in the autumn and winter months with remission in spring or summer. 

Rothenberg, M., Nussbaumer-Streit, B., Pjrek, E., & Winkler, D. (2024). Lifestyle modification as intervention for seasonal affective disorder: A systematic review. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 174, 209–219.




Do you provide Seasonal Affective Disorder ?

Yes Canada Online Therapy provides therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder.




Is seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression, winter depression, winter blues, and SAD (seasonal affective disorder) the same thing?

Seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression, winter depression, winter blues, and SAD (seasonal affective disorder) refer to the same condition but might differ in severity.




What are common SAD symptoms?

Common SAD symptoms include low energy, changes in appetite, difficulty concentrating, feelings of sadness, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Book Seasonal Affective Disorder therapy now

Book SAD therapy now